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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for the website and mobile application are operated by Takemax LTD on behalf of COMPANY NAME (the "Store").



By utilizing, accessing, or otherwise employing the Online Ordering System, you hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions as stated below, as well as any additional terms and conditions presented to you on the Online Ordering System. These terms and conditions, collectively referred to as the "Terms of Use," regulate your usage of the Online Ordering System.

By availing of the Online Ordering System, you accept the Terms of Use. Please ensure that you thoroughly review and understand these Terms of Use before accessing, using, or engaging with the Online Ordering System.

The Terms of Use serve as a legally binding agreement between you and Takemax LTD on behalf of the Store ("us", "we" or "our"). It is important to read the Terms of Use carefully. If you do not agree with any of the terms, you will not be permitted to access or use the Online Ordering System. Therefore, please refrain from doing so.

Before you can use our Online Ordering System, you need to know that you must agree to our Privacy Policy. Please read this policy carefully before using the system.

In accordance with the applicable laws, we reserve the right to modify the Terms of Use. We advise you to periodically review the Terms of Use. Your continued use of the Online Ordering System following the publication of any changes to the Terms of Use indicates your acceptance of the updated Terms of Use, which shall become effective upon publication.

1. Purpose

The Online Ordering System aims to offer a simple, convenient, and cost-effective way for customers to order food and/or other items for delivery or collection.

2. Disclaimer and Liability

You acknowledge and agree that the Online Ordering System is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We do not make any representations or provide any warranties whatsoever regarding the Online Ordering System. Specifically, we do not warrant the accuracy, availability, reliability, security, fitness for purpose, or performance of the Online Ordering System or its contents. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the Online Ordering System is suitable for your needs.

Please be advised that in accordance with applicable laws, you are required to acknowledge that the Online Ordering System may be modified or withdrawn at any time, either temporarily or permanently, and in whole or in part, without prior notice. It is important to note that we will not be liable to you or any other party for any losses or damages resulting from such modifications or withdrawals. While we strive to ensure uninterrupted service, we cannot guarantee that the Online Ordering System will be free of interruptions or errors, or that it will be free of viruses. We make no representation or warranty that the Online Ordering System will meet your requirements or specifications, nor can we guarantee that any errors or bugs in the Online Ordering System will be corrected.

All implied or expressed representations, warranties, guarantees, terms, and conditions related to the Online Ordering System or the information available therein, whether statutory or otherwise, are excluded to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law. This includes any implied warranty of accuracy of data, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a specific purpose.

3. Use of data

When utilizing our Online Ordering System, it is important to note that any payment card details entered will be securely stored by a third-party payment service provider. It is our policy that we do not have access to your payment card details; however, we do retain the last 4 digits of your payment card number and the card expiry date. The purpose of retaining these details is to identify your card and orders. Please be assured that the security of your payment card information is of utmost importance to us, and we take all necessary precautions to ensure its protection.

Upon utilizing the Online Ordering System, we will request your mobile phone number, name, and address to execute your order. We assure you that we will handle your data with utmost confidentiality and in compliance with relevant regulations.

You can close your account at any time without any charges by selecting the option available on your account.

For more information on how we may process information about you please see our Privacy Policy. 

4. Obligations and Limitations on Use

We provide access to our Online Ordering System within our country of establishment. Please be aware that the information, materials, and functionality included in the system may not be appropriate or available for use in other jurisdictions outside of our country of establishment.

Please ensure that all information provided on the Online Ordering System, including your name and contact details, is true, accurate, current, and complete to the best of your knowledge at the time of submission, and that any subsequent changes to this information are promptly updated on the system. It is important to note that any inaccuracies or incomplete information may result in delays or errors in processing your order, and may impact the quality of service we can provide. We greatly appreciate your attention to detail and commitment to maintaining accurate records, which helps us to better serve you and our other valued customers.

When you use the Online Ordering System, you agree to the following terms:

4.1 You will abide by the Terms of Use.

4.2 You will not pretend to be someone else or use a false name that you are not authorized to use on the Online Ordering System.

4.3 You confirm that you are 18 years of age or older.

4.4 You will pay the full amount for all Products you order through the Online Ordering System.

4.5 You will not place any false or speculative orders through the Online Ordering System.

4.6 You will not use the Online Ordering System to research our Products or their pricing.

4.7 You will not use any automated systems, robots or software to extract data from the Online Ordering System.

You agree not to use the system for any unlawful purpose, which includes but is not limited to:

4.8 Transmitting any material that may be considered a criminal offense, or may incur civil liability, or violate any laws, regulations, or codes of conduct.

4.9 Interfering with another individual's use or enjoyment of the Online Ordering System.

4.10 Damaging, disabling, or impairing the operation, functionality, or availability of the Online Ordering System, which includes knowingly or recklessly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or any other malicious or harmful material. You are also prohibited from attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Online Ordering System or any network connected to it through hacking, spoofing, or any other means.

4.11 Distributing any material on or through the Online Ordering System that is unlawful, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.

Please note that the Online Ordering System is not to be accessed for any commercial purposes. This includes but is not limited to copying or reproducing any material on the Online Ordering System, monitoring its availability, performance, or functionality, or for any benchmarking or competitive purposes.

5. Orders & Payment

Please make sure that every order you place through the Online Ordering System is accurate before submitting it. If you have any questions regarding the Products displayed or any orders you place through the Online Ordering System, please contact us using the Store's contact details available on our homepage.

Please note that we reserve the right to decline your order even after it has been placed through the Online Ordering System. Your order is not accepted until it has been confirmed by us. In case we are unable to accept your order, we will contact you to inform you about it.

Please make sure that you provide the correct personal details when placing an order with us on the Online Ordering System. Including incorrect personal details may cause delays in completing your order or prevent us from completing it altogether. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have provided your correct personal details (including your delivery address and telephone number) on the Online Ordering System. We will not be held liable for any delay or failure to complete your order due to the inclusion of incorrect personal details on the Online Ordering System.

6. Communication

It is hereby acknowledged that the user consents to receiving all notices and other forms of communication electronically through the Online Ordering System or other electronic means. By accepting these conditions, the user acknowledges that all contracts, notices, information, and other communications provided by the service provider electronically are compliant with any and all legal requirements for written communication.

7. Cancellation and refunds

7.1 Modifying or Cancelling Your Order: In the event that you wish to modify or cancel your Order after submission and payment authorisation, kindly reach out to the Business using the contact details provided on the Website. It is important to note, however, that the Business may have begun processing your Order, and therefore, may be unable to honor your request.

7.2 Compensation: The legal contract governing the supply and purchase of Products is between you and the Business with whom you have placed your Order. Therefore, Takemax LTD does not have control over the Businesses and the quality of the Products or services they offer. Consequently, we assume no responsibility or liability in providing any form of compensation to you or any third party.

In the event that you are dissatisfied with the quality of any Products or services provided by a Business, and you wish to seek a refund, kindly inform us within 24 hours of placing your Order. Depending on the nature of the issue, you may be able to submit your request for compensation via our Website. Alternatively, we may ask you to contact the Business directly to initiate the refund process. Please note that you will be required to adhere to the Business's own complaint procedures where necessary.

7.3 Processing Refund Requests: If we are processing refund requests on your behalf, kindly note that we may request reasonable evidence such as photographs to substantiate the reported issue with your Order. Additionally, prior to processing any refund request, we may consider other relevant factors such as details of your Order and its delivery, your account data and ordering history, transaction data, and information received from the Business.Please keep in mind that it may take 3-5 working days for the refund to be processed.

8. General Terms

It is hereby acknowledged that no failure or delay on the part of the company to exercise any right or remedy provided under the relevant terms of use or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. Furthermore, no single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

It is agreed that the terms of use and the use of the company's services shall not create any partnership, employment, or agency relationship between the user and the company.

9. Contact

We welcome all comments, queries, and requests concerning your information. For prompt and efficient response, kindly communicate with us using the contact details provided on our homepage. We kindly request that all complaints and legal notices be directed to the same address. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to addressing your inquiries.
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